
PT Star Student: Week Commencing 6 May 2019

Jaden DonnellyJaden has had a fantastic week, receiving multiple positives from a range of subject areas. Keep up the hard work and focus Jaden ! Well done.Mr Hughes
Olivia ChandOlivia has made super improvements in her behaviour and attitude in and around school! This has been noted by various members of staff! Keep it up Olivia!Miss L Scott
Leonardo Dogjani Well done for a consistently positive attitude to your work, and for your positivity in the PT group. Mr Byrne
Emily Gallagher & Isabelle BridgeWell done for your hard work on you SATs exams this week. Fingers crossed for the grades you are hoping for. Miss Hubble
Taran SinghTaran has successfully passed his practical driving test this week, congratulations. Mr Follis
Mya Bridgwater And Amy BradleyConsistently working hard and with a positive attitude Mrs Barnes
Emily Cartwright And Holly BrightonWell done an a fantastic DofE expedition!Mr R Smith
Jasmeen Kaur And Jasveen WaliaFor having a fantastic week and all the positive work you did. Keep it up.Mrs Talwar
Steven HackettTwo goals and four assists in the Sandwell Cup semi final - nice work!Mr Howard
Monty, Kiranjit And Year 8Well done Year 8 in sitting your SATs exams this week and revising hard. Well done Monty for achieving the highest score in your Science and Business assessment. Well done Kiranjit for achieving 5 positives. Excellent effort everyone! Fantastic work! Keep it up! :DMiss Soor
Tevin MyersWell done for representing the Academy Year 7 Football Team in the lead up to the National Cup Final this week, resulting in a 2-1 win to Sandwell. His contribution to the team reaching this stage has been fantastic and he is a credit to the Academy. Well done! (LEM/FVM)Miss Millard
Luka LynchFor great sportsmanship during the year 7 nation cup final. Luka was praised by both staff and parents from both schools for his positive attitude and support to the other team. Well done Luke you are a credit to out PT.Miss Parker
Luka Lynch Well done Luka on demonstrating excellent sportsmanship you are a credit to our PT.Miss Tulloch
Elizabeth SeargentExcellent work with the DoE, well done.Mr Khuttan
Kai, Maciej And JensenThank you to Kai, Maciej and Jensen for organising the completion of the PT Quiz this week. We achieved 10 out of 10. Well DoneMrs Hood
Year 8 Students FKWWell done for the revision you have put into your SATs exams this week - it will have paid off and I am proud of you all. Dr Watkins
Ellis HallEllis has produced work to quality standard in GCSE PE theory lessons. Mr Ferguson
Mohammed Siddique For an excellent week with no negatives! Keep up this improvement in lessons. Mr Bedford
Xander Marriot Xander received the most positives in the PT group last term and the most this week ! Well done Xander :) keep it up !! Mrs Hamill
SaboorThank you to Saboor for organising the completion of our PT QuizMrs Hood